Saturday, October 30, 2010

Civilisation Hijacked by Al Morris

Civilisation Hijacked illustrates the urgent need for a revolutionary social paradigm shift - a global reformation on humanity’s present theological, political, social and commercial value systems. It shows how the vision or worldview held by the majority of the world’s population has been manufactured to suit the aims and aspirations of a small number of powerful groups. It describes how the world, particularly the so-called civilized Western world, is being manipulated and used by the controlling bodies in the various religious, political and commercial corporate areas - naming and shaming them with details of who, why, when, where and how it originated How the power of persuasion has diluted, polluted and finally corrupted Western civilization’s now distorted values and worldview. This is glaringly illustrated by the present global political, social, commercial and theological mess that we have inherited at the expense of the billions of victims; the hungry, the homeless, the hopeless and helpless. To add insult to injury, we are asked by governments and those who are behind the wars and killing machinery, to contribute pennies to various charities to alleviate the human misery they have caused
Man’s inhumanity to man has become worse than that of animals, (no other living specie treats their own with such callous brutality. Historically becoming worse, as more efficient weapons of torture, death and destruction are developed. This work offers a plausible and pragmatic understanding of the causes for this behaviour and a practical solution. Creating a human environment where global conflict is minimized if not totally eliminated. Over time, this would change the very nature of humanity from that of the primitive savage, to living Gods.

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Available as : Perfect bound soft cover $19 + Postage
Also : E-Book $6 (doc format)
Published : March 2010

Pages : 248
ISBN : 9781440182419

Published through iUniverse

Worship of this ancient mythical god has produced distorted political and social systems. This is the foundation of today’s values and worldview among general populations of the so-called civilized world. Tradition (slow cultural conditioning) and the use of modern social engineering manufactured the world we have today. A world controlled by a few small powerful groups in the area of religion, politics and commerce. In the hands of unscrupulous people, fear and greed have been sown and cultivated individually and nationally, for wealth and power of their particular limited group rather than for the common good.
This book amply illustrates the political, social, commercial and theological mess that we have inherited as a consequence. The exclusivity of the three main stream religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam has brought the world to the brink of disaster. The only solution to this is through a particular style of Education already in use worldwide. Early intervention is vital.
Unlike Sam Harris’ “The End of Faith” And Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion”, this book does not destroy faith, but encourages and focuses it as a rational, experiential recognition of the individual and collective human spirit. This collective consciousness must be harnessed for the Herculean task of saving humanity from the fate of self inflicted annihilation.

    Humanity’s biggest mistake was to attribute that first event of creation to a God and assuming that this God has an on going concern for the day to day activities of all individual humans, plus the infinite number of other life forms. This was excusable considering our pre-historic ignorance. What is not excusable but understandable, given what we have learned of human nature, is the exploitation of that ignorance, by the few for their own purposes. However none of this relates to the primary cause event; which we are led to believe by our three mainstream religious leaders, is the creation of everything by the God of Abraham and that this God has the emotional “psyche” of humanity; with the love, hate, greed, ambition, revenge and all the other human feelings and failings. In other words (man has made god in his own image). The Jews, Christians and Moslems have come to believe and accept that an unknown invisible force, exclusively partial only to the true believers, operates in a similar fashion to the mind of man about 5,000yrs ago, namely, God. In view of our accumulated scientific knowledge of nature, life and the universe today, this concept borders on insanity. We will explore minutely that which is the proclaimed origin of this present Judaic, Christian and Islamic religious belief.
    Let’s first deal with Christianity: It began in the form of a reformation and revolutionary movement led by a Jew named Jesus, against the hierarchy of the established Judaic religion. The main reason behind the movement was that, the unacceptable and exclusive nature of this belief system, did not and could never bring about the type of world that would benefit the whole of humankind. Jesus recognized this and tried to reform the obvious hypocrisy and greed practiced by the system’s so-called believers. For that, he was executed by the Roman political machine, at the behest of the Jewish religious manipulators. He posed a threat to both and was eliminated in the cruel manner used by the Romans of that period. Records were compiled from the various books, of the Torah, the Talmud and Christian Gospels under the direction of the Roman Emperor Constantine some 300 years after Jesus died. These are the books that comprise today’s Christian Bible and were originally written by men who were concerned for the welfare and moral standards of their fellow man. The Ten Commandments are an example of their concern and wisdom. Also the teachings of compassion, love and forgiveness taught by Jesus as portrayed in the books of the New Testament. Here I must emphasize the teachings of Jesus and not all the parts that were added by over zealous followers, anxious to impress gullible and superstitious people to create the impression that Jesus was God.
    Who led us up this false path in the first place? Intentionally or unknowingly the small group of leaders of the tribes of the ancient Hebrews collaborated to harness a weapon to end all weapons; the collective human spirit. This was done by the use of Abraham and his encounter with God and fostered through their self generated anecdotal history, stories, rituals and practices effectively binding them together as one. The character of Abraham was given all the strength and frailties attached to any normal individual of the times and to whom everyone could relate. The promises that God made to Abraham also applied to them would be the birthright of their future generations. The recognition of the strength of their collective spirit, their unity of purpose, very quickly became obvious in their victories over their neighbouring tribes The story of Abraham, the father of Judaism, was referred to briefly in chapter five. The following serves to further explain the nature of the origin of this mythical story. The elaborate life history is woven into the plot in order to give Abraham some semblance of credibility. The allegation is that the God of his imagination spoke to him and entered into a verbal contract with him. (Gen.12: 2-3).which eventually led to him and his progeny being given all the land between Egypt and the Euphrates River. The only condition required of Abraham to seal this covenant with God, was to perform a particular pagan sacrificial rite (Gen.15: 7-20.). When any individual or group makes a claim as important as this is it not appropriate to consider that there may be a chance it could be false? Then again it may be the truth. The normal procedure is to look at the background, the known history of the person or people in order to assess their character so that we have a reasonable idea if it is the truth. As the story goes, Abraham was born in Ur a city of the Chaldeans in Babylonia and his father was a maker and vendor of the various idols that were worshiped in those times. So it was not strange for him to invent a God. The story line is that his family left Ur and settled in Haran. Abraham and Lot left Haran and finally came to Canaan where he claims that he again spoke with this particular God. They were a nomadic people and as there was a famine in Canaan, they wandered down towards Egypt. In those days, it was not safe for a small group to travel. They were approaching Egypt, and because his wife Sarah was so beautiful, he became fearful that Egyptians would kill him and take her. He told her to say that she was his sister. Her beauty was brought to the notice of pharaoh who took her. (Gen.12: 14-16.) And Abraham got very rich from the arrangement. Pharaoh eventually found out and kicked them out of Egypt together with Abraham’s ill-gotten gains After returning to Canaan his nephew Lot was captured in a war between kings in the area. Abraham took 318 trained men from his household and went to his rescue, defeating his captors and capturing a great deal of goods and people. Then Melchizedek the King of Salem, who was the high priest of his Most High God, blessed Abraham. For which, Abraham gave him a tenth of the loot. GEN.14:18.
    By this time Sarah had not born Abraham an heir, so he slept with one of his slave girls (Hagar) with the intention of producing an heir. She became pregnant and gave birth to Ishmael. After a short time they kicked out both her and her son Ishmael. Gen.21:8. Ishmael is the biblical character upon whom the Moslem religion was founded. This is the brief outline of the man’s character. He was a liar, a thief a pimp, and an adulterer. I believe the Abraham story is a myth. The tribal leaders who perpetuated it are to blame for the claim to all the land that belonged to the Canaanites, Kenites, kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaitites, Amorites, Canaanites, Gireshites, and the Jebusites, Midianites, Edomites and the Philistines. This includes in fact, most of the known world in those days. The Jewish tribes were aggressors that conquered, raped, pillaged and plundered their neighbours in the name of their god.
    Moses, the mythical hero of the exodus story, was recorded as being a murderer and a liar. The Israelite slaves were thieves Ex. 12: 35-36. They stole gold from their Egyptian masters. (Where else would slaves get gold enough for the golden calf). And what does their Bible tell us of the early activities of Abraham’s people and their God? In Ps.137:7-9 God suggested that the children of the Edomites have their heads dashed against the rocks for what the Edomites had done to the Jews. Their God told Moses to take vengeance on the Midianites. Num. 31:1. His army obeyed and slew every adult male, spared the women and children and completely destroyed their cities and took all their cattle flocks and goods.Num.31:7. Moses was angry that they had spared the women and children, and he ordered all the male children be killed and told the Israelite men that they should take the virgins for themselves and kill the rest. Num. 2: 28. Prior to this, when the tribes of the exodus story were still wandering in the wilderness, Moses came down from the mountain with God’s Ten Commandments and found some of his flock worshiping a golden calf. While the chisel marks on the tablet with the commandment “thou shall not kill” would have been still hot on the stone, Moses and Aaron were instrumental in killing 3000 of their own people on the spot. Ex. 32: 25. These are only a few of the many barbaric atrocities recorded in the bible, committed either at the request of, or in the name of God. What a lovely God!!? That God I could not respect, let alone worship. This is the legacy that Abraham and/or the tribal leaders of Israel gave to the world. How long will it take for the rest of the world to wake up?
    In previous chapters, I referred to a path to peace and harmony. This path is the enlightenment of the general populations of all nations, to the realization of the weight of the baggage (or garbage) that has been thrust upon us. Until and unless this awakening process is made widely available and jealously protected throughout civilized society, humankind remains condemned to the never-ending cycle of social conflict and mutually destructive warfare in which we have been involved over the last 5000 years.

    President Bush and the Israeli Zionists escalated this to the point of perpetual global conflict using fear and terror in the attempt to gain ultimate worldwide social subservience. Ask yourself, subservience to what? Today’s American way of life?
    At the birth of American independence there were great philosophers, statesmen and ethical social leaders with foresight and integrity. Abraham Lincoln George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and the like, were the midwives that brought forth the healthy infant society and nurtured the young American dream. However history has overseen its gradual dilution, pollution and finally the total corruption of their grand dreams to the extent that it is now in the order of a nightmare!

    Al Morris.


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